ثبت أهم المراجع
أولا: مراجع الفقه الإسلامي.
- كتب التراث
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- المراجع القانونية الأجنبية:
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Top references
First: References to Islamic jurisprudence.
Heritage Books
- Information of the signatories: Mohamed Ibn Abi Bakr Al-Zarai, son of Qayem Al-Jawziyah, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Alamiya, T1 1411 A.H./1991
- Equity: Ali bin Sulayman bin Ahmed Al-Mardawi, Arab Heritage Revival House-2nd edition-DDT.
- Anwar al-Boraq in the midst of differences: Ahmed bin Idris al-Qarafi, a book scholar.
- Al-Sana'a' in the order of laws: Abu Bakr Masoud Bin Ahmed Al-Kasani, T2 Scientific Books House 1406 A.H./1986.
- Grand Fatwas: Taqi Al-Din Abu Al-Abbas, Ahmad Bin Abd Al-Halim Bin Abd Al-Salam Bin Abd Al-Salam Bin Abi Al-Qasim Bin Muhammad Bin Taymiyyah Al-Harani Bin Hanbali Al-Damashki, published by the Scientific Books House, I1 1408 A.H./1987.
- Rules of Judgment in Security Interests: Izz ad-Din Abdul-Aziz bin Abdul-Salam, published by Um al-Qura in Cairo.
- Total Polite Description: Yahya Bin Sharaf Al-Nawawi, Guidance Library and Al-Mutaya Library.
- Singer: Muwafaq Al-Din Abdullah bin Ahmed Ibn Qaddama, Cairo Library, 1388 A.H./1968.
- Approvals: Ibrahim ibn Musa ibn Muhammad al-Khomei al-Gharnati is known as al-Shatbi Dar al-Kutub al-Alami.
Contemporary books
- Ahmed Bin Al-Sheik Mohammed Al-Zarqa: An Explanation of Jurisprudence, Dar Al-Qalam Damascus, 9th edition 1432H/2011.
- Ali Al-Khafif: Guarantee in Islamic Jurisprudence, Arab Thought House 2000.
- Mohamed Ahmed Sarraj: The Guarantee of Aggression, Culture Publishing and Distribution, Cairo, 1990.
- Mohammad Said Ramadan Al-Buti: The Authority's Controls in Islamic Law, Al-Resala Foundation, Beirut, United House, Syria, 1407 A.H./1987.
- Mohammad Othman Shabbir: Contemporary Financial Transactions in Islamic Jurisprudence, Dar Al-Nafis Jordan, p. 29.
- Mustafa Ahmed Al-Zarqa: Islamic Jurisprudence in Its New Garment - The General Entrance to Jurisprudence - The Tarbin Damascus Press, 10 th edition 1387 A.H./1968.
- Wahba Al-Zhili: Theory of Security or Provisions of Civil and Criminal Responsibility in Islamic Jurisprudence, Comparative Study, Dar Al-Fikr 1998.
Legal references.
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