عقد الاستثمار الحكومي / Government Investment Contract

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


جامعة المدينة عجمان


استهدفت الدراسة التعرُّف على المقصود بعقد الاستثمار الحكومي وطبيعته القانونية، وضمانات الاستثمار بكل من القانون المصري والإماراتي. كما استهدفت بيان أهمية عقد الاستثمار الحكومي من الناحية القانونية والمالية والاقتصادية والسياسية، وعرض أهم مجالات وصور عقد الاستثمار الحكومي، مع بيان أهم منازعات عقد الاستثمار الحكومي والنظام القانوني لتسويتها بين مصر والإمارات. وقد انتهى البحث إلى مجموعة من النتائج منها أن الاستثمار الحكومي ضرورة لا تستطيع الدول الاستغناء عنها، خاصة الدول النامية التي تعتمد على الاستثمارات لتحقيق التنمية بواسطة الموارد المالية والبشرية والفنية الخاصة, وأن لعقد الاستثمار الحكومي أهمية قانونية خاصة في حالة الاستثمارات الأجنبية المباشرة، لحماية حقوق المستثمرين الأجانب سواء كانوا أشخاص طبيعيين أو اعتباريين, كما أن لعقد الاستثمار الحكومي أهمية مالية واقتصادية للدولة المستقبلة للاستثمار، كما له أهمية سياسية خاصة لحكومات الدول المضيفة للاستثمار. ولهذا تعمل الدول على تطوير وتحسين تشريعاتها بما يمكن معه تحقيق الثبات والاستقرار التشريعي في مجال الاستثمار بما يساعدها في جذب مزيد من الاستثمارات الأجنبية المباشرة., ومن التوصيات التي يبرزها البحث أنه ينبغي على الدول التي ترغب في استقبال استثمارات أجنبية مباشرة ألا تكتفي بمجرد سن التشريعات المنظمة للاستثمار، بل عليها تطوير تلك التشريعات بشكل يتناسب مع تطور طبيعة الاستثمارات وصورها بما يتيح لها جذب مزيد من الاستثمارات الأجنبية المباشرة. كما ينبغي على حكومات الدول المضيفة للاستثمارات ألا تعتمد في تنميتها الاقتصادية على الاستثمارات الأجنبية المباشرة، نظرًا لما يصاحب ذلك التوجه من التعرض لخطر الأموال الساخنة التي من شأنها هز الاستقرار المالي والاقتصادي للدولة في حالة سحب وتحرك تلك الأموال والاستثمارات إلى الخارج. وينبغي على حكومات الدول المضيفة للاستثمارات أن تتيح الفرصة للاستثمارات الداخلية بذات المزايا التي تسمح بها للمستثمر الأجنبي، وذلك لتحقيق مزيد من التوازن والاستقرار الاقتصادي والاجتماعي الداخلي.
The study aimed to identify what is meant by the government investment contract, its legal nature, and investment guarantees in both Egyptian and UAE law. It also aimed to explain the importance of the government investment contract from a legal, financial, economic and political point of view, and to present the most important areas and images of the government investment contract, with a statement of the most important disputes of the government investment contract and the legal system for settling them between Egypt and the UAE. The research concluded with a set of results, including that government investment is a necessity that countries cannot do without, especially developing countries that depend on investments to achieve development through special financial, human and technical resources, and that the government investment contract is of special legal importance in the case of foreign direct investments, to protect the rights of foreign investors, whether they are natural or legal persons. The government investment contract is also of financial and economic importance to the receiving country, as well as to the governments of the host countries of the investment. Therefore, countries are working to develop and improve their legislation in a way that can achieve stability and legislative stability in the field of investment in order to help them attract more foreign direct investments. One of the recommendations highlighted by the research is that countries wishing to receive foreign direct investment should not be satisfied with the mere enactment of legislation regulating investment, but should develop such legislation in a manner commensurate with the development of the nature and forms of investments to allow them to attract more foreign direct investments. Governments of host countries should not rely on foreign direct investment for their economic development, given the risk of hot money that would undermine the financial and economic stability of the country in the event of withdrawal and movement of such funds and investments abroad. Governments of host countries should provide the opportunity for domestic investments with the same advantages as foreign investors, in order to achieve more of balance and internal economic and social stability.

الكلمات الرئيسية

الموضوعات الرئيسية

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    First: documents

    1. Egyptian investment law issued by Law No. 72 of 2017 - Official Gazette-No. 21 BIS (C) issued on 31/5/2017.
    2. Federal Decree-Law No. 19 of 2018 on Foreign Direct Investment - issued on September 23, 2018.
    3. Egyptian civil code issued by Law No. 131 of 1948 - Egyptian facts - No. 108 BIS, issued on 29/7/1948.
    4. United Nations conference on trade and development - government contracts - UNCTAD report, UNCTAD study series on IIA issues, United Nations/ New York and Geneva 2004.
    5. Supreme Administrative Court-Appeal No. 11730 of 54 Q, held on 29/5/2012.
    6. Supreme Administrative Court-Appeal No. 2184 of 29 Q., session 21/8/1987.
    7. Court of Administrative Justice-Appeal No. 6600 for the Year 8 Q, session 1/4/1956.
    8. Supreme Administrative Court-Appeal No. 27402 of 55 s, hearing 24/3/2015.

    Second: general literature

    1. Bernardine akitobi and others - public investment and Public - Private Partnership-a series of economic issues, published by the World Bank, the fortieth issue in 2007.
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    8. Mohsen Shafik-turnkey contract / model of development contracts-Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, I 1982.
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    10. Georgy Shafik sari - arbitration and the extent to which it is permissible to resort to it to settle disputes in the field of administrative contracts-Arab renaissance house, I 2005.

    Third: scientific research

    1. Hussein Mohamed Mosleh-the legislative development of investment in Egypt and its impact on attracting investment - a refereed paper published at the second scientific conference of the Faculty of law, Tanta University, entitled "Law and investment research", 2015.
    2. Yahya Hussein Ali and Fatima El hamalawy-economic and legal determinants of foreign direct investment in Egypt - a refereed paper published in the scientific journal of financial and commercial studies and research at the Faculty of Commerce, Damietta University, Volume III, issue I/ Part II issued in January 2022.
    3. Saadi Kazem al-Alwani-the legal basis of the principle of imbalance in administrative contracts - an arbitrated research published in the Journal of Sustainable Studies issued by the scientific society for sustainable educational studies, the sixth year, the sixth volume, the first issue issued in January 2024.
    4. Maher Mohamed Hamed - the legal system of BOT contract-PhD thesis, Faculty of law, Zagazig University, 2006.
    5. Maged Abdel Hamid Ammar - industrial licensing contract and its importance for the developing country - PhD thesis, Faculty of law, Cairo University, 1984.
    6. Bashar Qais Mohammed-technology transfer contracts in the framework of private international law - PhD thesis, Faculty of law, Ain Shams University, 2016.
    7. Al-Hashimi al-Saidi-the specificity of control in administrative contracts - an arbitrated research published in the researcher Journal of legal and Judicial Studies, issue No. 62 issued in January 2024.
    8. Hassan Talal Younis-reconciliation in administrative disputes-an arbitrator's research published in the Journal of the Faculty of law for legal and political sciences at the University of Kirkuk, issue No. 44 issued in February 2023.