نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية
1 الأستاذ المساعد بقسم الفقه وأصوله كلية العلوم الشرعية, مسقط, عمان
2 باحث ماجستير بقسم الفقه وأصوله كلية العلوم الشرعية, مسقط, عمان
الكلمات الرئيسية
الموضوعات الرئيسية
أولا: الكتب
ثانيا: الفتاوى المسجلة
ثالثا: حلقات ومقاطع برنامج سؤال أهل الذكر، مادة مصورة بثت في تلفزيون سلطنة عُمان أجريت مع سماحة الشيخ أحمد بن حمد الخليلي
Sources and references
First: the books
1-Ibn al-Hammam, Mohammed bin Abdul Wahid, Fatah al-Qadir, Dar Al-Fikr, Beirut-Lebanon, floor 1.
2-Ibn 'Abidin, Muhammad Amin Ibn' Umar, al-Muhtar's reply to Al-Durr al-Mukhtar (Ibn ' Abidin's entourage), Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr, Vol.2, 1412 Ah, C4, P. 463.
3-Ibn Manzoor, Mohammed bin Makram, the tongue of the Arabs, Dar Al-Fikr, Vol. 1, 1410 Ah - 1990 ad.
4-atfishh, Muhammad Bin Yusuf, explaining the book of the Nile and healing the sick, guidance library, Jeddah-Saudi Arabia, Vol. 3, 1405h - 1985g.
5-Al-buhuti, Mansur bin Yunus, explaining the ultimate Wills, t: Abdullah Al-Turki, the founder of the message, 1421 Ah.
6-AL-jahhami, Zayed bin Sulaiman, milestones of educational thought by Sheikh Ahmed Al-Khalili, Muscat, Dr.N, i2, 2003.
7-al-Hatab, Mohammed bin Mohammed, the talents of the Galilee a brief explanation Khalil, Dar Al-Fikr, Beirut-Lebanon, Vol. 3, 1412 Ah - 1992 ad.
8-Al-kharshi: Mohammed bin Abdullah, Al-kharshi explained to Khalil, Dar Al-Fikr, Beirut-Lebanon, floor 1.
9-Al-Khalili, Ahmed bin Hamad, fatawa, House of the kind word, Vol. 1, 1441 Ah - 2020 ad.
10-Zubaidi, Mohammed bin Mohammed, the crown of the bride from the jewels of the dictionary, t: a group of investigators, Dar Al Hidaya.
11-Zubaidi, Mohammed bin Mohammed, the crown of the bride from the jewels of the dictionary, t: a group of investigators, Dar Al-Hidaya.
12-Al-Salmi, Abdullah bin Hamid, the rise of the Sun explained The Sun origins, Bibliotheca Alexandrina - Egypt, Vol.1, 1434 Ah-2012 ad.
13-Al-Salmi, Abdullah bin Hamid, the rise of the Sun explained The Sun origins, Bibliotheca Alexandrina - Egypt, Vol.1, 1434 Ah-2012 ad.
14-Amer, Abdul Latif, and Bilal, Yahya, definition of the Fiqh rule and the difference between it and related terms (within the Zayed School of fiqh and fundamentalist rules), Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Foundation, Abu Dhabi, 1st, 1434h - 2013g.
15 - a group of researchers, glossary of Ibadi terms, Ministry of Awqaf and Religious Affairs, Muscat - Sultanate of Oman, Vol.2, 1432h-2011g.
16-Al-Mardawi, Ali bin Suleiman, fairness in the knowledge of the most correct from the dispute, Beirut, the House of revival of Arab heritage, Vol.1, 1419 Ah, C. 7, p.57
17-Sharia standards, accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic and financial institutions, Riyadh, 1437h.
18-Al-mawak, Muhammad ibn Yusuf, the crown and the wreath of the Khalil abbreviation, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr, Vol.6, p. 44.
19-al-Nawawi, Yahya bin Sharaf, editorial warning words, investigation: Abdul Ghani al-daqr, Dar Al-Qalam, Damascus-Syria, Vol. 1, 1408 Ah.
20-al-Nawawi, Yahya bin Sharaf, the curriculum of the two students and the mayor of the muftis, t: Awad Qasim Ahmed Awad, Dar Al-Fikr, Vol.1, 1425 Ah/2005g, P. 169.
Second: recorded fatwas
1-Al-Khalili, Ahmed bin Hamad, an audio fatwa recorded on 4 Rajab 1444 Ah-27/1/2023 ad.
2-Al-Khalili, Ahmed bin Hamad, an audio fatwa recorded on 7 Rajab 1444 Ah-29/1/2023ad.
Third: episodes and clips of the Ahl al-dhikr question program, a video material broadcast on Oman TV conducted with His Eminence Sheikh Ahmed bin Hamad Al-Khalili
- An episode titled: Waqf 1, which was broadcast on the night of 5 of Dhu al-Hijjah 1430h link: https://youtu.be/L_cgs-eYlJ8?si=oUoGmxVvBiLGUi2g
- An episode entitled: Waqf 2, which was broadcast on the night of the 11th of Muharram 1431 Ah link: https://youtu.be/pPsyFfBw__Q?si=-0NDyo9fvKnDlFXA
- A clip titled: A suspended house for a mosque rented by the agent to one of the Waqf's grandchildren for half the rental value that is on the market Sheikh Ahmed Al-Khalili, within an episode entitled various fatwas, broadcast on the night of Shawwal 22, 1430 Ah link to the clip: https://youtu.be/hqxJIcEkjgY?si=TLukD3eghT04y3fX
- A clip entitled: Is it permissible to buy a refrigerator from the mosque's funds and rent water for it to drink and water the people of the village- Sheikh Ahmed Al-Khalili, within an episode entitled: various fatwas, broadcast on the night of جم Jumada the first ١٤٣٤ in the Sultanate of Oman TV, link to the clip: https://youtu.be/nKtRa0PN9mo?si=Jcs18QKh8a7p5bbL
- A clip titled: Is the endowment money set in advance prices or should it enter the auctions? - Sheikh Ahmed Al-Khalili, within the episode of various fatwas, broadcast on the night of جم Jumada II ١٤٣٣ him on Oman TV, link to the clip: https://youtu.be/qY7rT2G1bp4?si=dHVt8-yjeDEQrhzC
- Al-Khalili, Waqf 2, the program of questioning the people of dhikr. And Al-Khalili, Ahmed bin Hamad, a clip entitled: Is it right to sell the Waqf and buy income-generating real estate instead- Sheikh Ahmed Al-Khalili, within the episode of various fatwas, broadcast on the night of جم Jumada II ١٤٣٤ on Oman TV, link to the clip: https://youtu.be/1lzV2fVUZPw?si=nxF-U7rMZ0Oe-7
- A section entitled: Is it required in the Waqf to say or write, or is the intention sufficient Sheikh Ahmed Al-Khalili, the program of asking the people of dhikr, within a variety of fatwas, aired on the night of 3 Ramadan 1424 Ah, link to the clip: https://youtu.be/0lRC66wRAIg?si=xd24IvbAXeX6PsNf