النكرة المعادة عند الأصوليين دراسة تأصيلية تطبيقية The repeated denial of the fundamentalists Applied Rooting Study

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


قسم أصول الفقه، كلية الدراسات الإسلامية والعربية للبنات بالزقازيق، جامعة الأزهر


يقصد من هذا البحث تسليط الضوء على إحدى القواعد المتعلقة باللغة العربية، ولها أثر كبير في علم أصول الفقه، وهي قاعدة: النكرة المعادة؛ وذلك بهدف التأصيل لها، وبيان أهميتها، ومدى علاقتها بالقواعد الأصولية، وتأثير دلالتها في الفروع الفقهية، في ظل الوقوف على آراء العلماء في ذلك، والتطبيق عليه بصور وأمثلة متعددة الجوانب.

وكان من أهم النتائج التي توصل إليها البحث: أن قاعدة النكرة المعادة بنكرة أو بمعرفة، تُعَد قاعدة لغويّة، أصوليّة، فقهيّة، يتعلق بها قواعد ومسائل أصولية، ويندرج تحتها كثير من الفروع الفقهية، و تُعد نوعاً من أنواع الاستدلال، وطريقًا من طرق الاستنباط، وذات أهمية كبيرة في فهم نصوص الكتاب والسنة؛ وهي قاعدة ليست على عمومها وإطلاقها، وقد رجح الأصوليون عدم اطرادها، وتلعب القرينة وكذلك السياق دورًا هامًا في تحديد دلالتها، كما أثبت البحث أن وجوه التلاقي بين علمي النحو وأصول الفقه كثيرة، وأنه لا يوجد نص من كتاب أو سنة فيه تكرار إلا لفوائد، ومعانٍ، وحكم، وأسرار؛ ولا يمكن لطالب العلم بالأحكام الشرعية أن يفهمها الفهم الصحيح، إلا إذا كان له حظ وافر من علوم العربية.

ويوصي البحث بالاهتمام وتوجيه النظر إلى اللغة العربية ومباحثها؛ لعلاقتها الوطيدة بعلم أصول الفقه، وضرورة ارتياد كتب التفاسير وشروح الأحاديث، والبحث فيها من الزاوية الأصولية، واستخراج ما فيها من كنوز ثمينة متعلقة بعلم الأصول مما له ارتباط بعلم اللغة العربية، ودراسة ما في كتب أصول الفقه من القضايا النحوية، والبلاغية، واللغوية التي لا تزال تحتاج إلى أبحاث مستفيضة؛ مما يؤدي بدوره إلى مزيد فهم للقرآن الكريم والسنة المطهرة
This research is intended to shed light on one of the famous rules in the Arabic language, and it has a close link to the science of jurisprudence, which is the rule: the repeated denial, in order to root it, and indicate its importance, and the extent of its relationship to the fundamentalist rules, and the impact of its significance in the branches of jurisprudence, in light of standing on the opinions of scholars in that, and applying it with multifaceted images and examples.
One of the most important findings of the research: that the rule of denial returned by denial or knowledge, is a linguistic rule, fundamentalist, jurisprudential, related to the rules and issues of fundamentalism, and falls under many branches of jurisprudence, and is a kind of inference, and a way of deduction, and of great importance in understanding the texts of the Qur'an and Sunnah, The research also proved that the convergence between the sciences of grammar and the principles of jurisprudence are many, and that there is no text from a book or a year in which there is repetition except for benefits, meanings, wisdom, and secrets;
The research recommends paying attention and directing attention to the Arabic language and its investigations, because of its close relationship with the science of jurisprudence, and the need to go to books of interpretations and explanations of hadiths, and research them from the fundamentalist angle, and extract the precious treasures related to the science of assets, which is related to the science of Arabic language, and study the grammatical, rhetorical, and linguistic issues in the books of the principles of jurisprudence that still need extensive research, which in turn leads to more understanding of the Holy Qur'an and the purified Sunnah.

الكلمات الرئيسية

الموضوعات الرئيسية

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  141. منحة الباري بشرح صحيح البخاري= تحفة الباري: زكريا بن محمد بن أحمد الأنصاري السنيكي، حققه وعلق عليه: سليمان بن دريع العازمي، مكتبة الرشد (الرياض- السعودية) الطبعة الأولى 1426هـ/ 2005م.
  142. منح الجليل شرح مختصر خليل: ابن عليش (محمد بن أحمد)، دار الفكر (بيروت) 1409هـ/ 1989م.
  143. الموافقات في أصول الشريعة: أبو إسحاق الشاطبي (إبراهيم بن موسى)، تحقيق: أبي عبيدة مشهور بن حسن آل سلمان، دار ابن عفان، الطبعة الأولى 1417هـ/ 1997م.
  144. موسوعة القواعد الفقهية: محمد صدقي بن أحمد آل بورنو الغزي، مؤسسة الرسالة (بيروت- لبنان) الطبعة الأولى 1424هـ / 2003م.
  145. موطأ الإمام مالك: مالك بن أنس بن مالك، تحقيق: محمد فؤاد عبد الباقي، دار إحياء التراث العربي (بيروت - لبنان) 1406هـ/ 1985م.
  146. النحو الوافي: عباس حسن، دار المعارف، الطبعة الخامسة عشرة.
  147. نشر البنود على مراقي السعود: الشنقيطي (عبد الله بن إبراهيم العلوي)، تقديم: الداي ولد سيدي بابا- أحمد رمزي، مطبعة فضالة بالمغرب.
  148. نظم الدرر في تناسب الآيات والسور: إبراهيم بن عمر بن أبي بكر البقاعي، دار الكتاب الإسلامي (القاهرة).
  149. نفائس الأصول في شرح المحصول: شهاب الدين القرافي (أحمد بن إدريس)، تحقيق: عادل أحمد عبد الموجود، وعلي محمد معوض، مكتبة نزار مصطفى الباز، الطبعة الأولى 1416هـ/ 1995م.
  150. نهاية المحتاج إلى شرح المنهاج: شهاب الدين الرملي (محمد بن أبي العباس أحمد بن حمزة)، دار الفكر (بيروت) الطبعة الأخيرة 1404هـ/1984م.
  151. النهر الفائق شرح كنز الدقائق: ابن نجيم (سراج الدين عمر بن إبراهيم)، تحقيق: أحمد عزو عناية، دار الكتب العلمية، الطبعة الأولى 1422هـ / 2002م.
  152. نيل الأوطار: الشوكاني (محمد بن علي بن محمد)، تحقيق: عصام الدين الصبابطي، دار الحديث (مصر) الطبعة الأولى 1413هـ / 1993م.



General indexes

First: index of sources and references

  1. Mastery in the sciences of the Quran: Al-Suyuti (Jalal al-Din Abdul Rahman ibn Abi Bakr), Investigation: Muhammad Abi al-Fadl Ibrahim, Egyptian General Authority for the book 1394 Ah/1974 AD.
  2. Ruling on the origins of judgments: Al-AMDI (Seif al-Din Ali ibn Abi Ali), investigation: Abdul Razzaq Afifi, Islamic Bureau (Beirut - Damascus - Lebanon).
  3. The choice to explain the Chosen One: A. mawdud Al-Musali (Abdullah bin Mahmoud al-baldhi), comments: Sheikh Mahmoud Abu minaqa, al-Halabi press (Cairo), and photographed by the scientific books House (Beirut) 1356 Ah/ 1937 ad.
  4. The guidance of the sari to explain Sahih al-Bukhari: Al-qastalani (Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr) the great Amiri printing house (Egypt) seventh edition 1323 Ah.
  5. Guiding Stallions to achieve the truth from the science of Origins: Al-shawkani (Muhammad ibn Ali), achieved by: Sheikh Ahmed azzou Inaya, presented to him by: Sheikh Khalil al-Mayas, Dr. waliddin Saleh furfour, the House of the Arab book, the first edition 1419 Ah/ 1999 ad.
  6. The secrets of repetition in the Qur'an= proof in the guidance of the similar Qur'an because of its argument and statement: the crown of readers, proof of al-Din al-Karmani (Mahmoud bin Hamza bin Nasr), investigation: Abdulkader Ahmed Atta, review and commentary: Ahmed Abdul Tawab Awad, House of virtue.
  7. Secrets of Arabia: Abu al-Barakat al-Anbari (Abdul Rahman Bin Muhammad Bin Ubayd Allah al-Ansari), Dar Al-Arqam bin Abi Al-Arqam, first edition 1420 Ah/ 1999 ad.
  8. The most helpful of the students in explaining the student's kindergarten: Zakariya bin Muhammad Bin Zakariya al-Ansari, Islamic Book House.
  9. Similarities and Analogues: Al-Sobki (Taj al-Din Abdul Wahab) House of scientific books, first edition 1411 Ah/1991 ad.
  10. Origins of Al-sarkhsi: Muhammad ibn Ahmad Shams Al-imams Al-sarkhsi, Dar Al-marefa (Beirut).
  11. The lights of the statement in the explanation of the Quran by the Quran: Al-Shanqiti (Muhammad Al-Amin bin Muhammad al-Mukhtar), Dar Al - Fikr for printing and publishing (Beirut-Lebanon) 1415 Ah/ 1995 ad.
  12. The expression of thirty surahs of the Holy Quran: Ibn khalweh (al-Hussein bin Ahmed), Egyptian Book House press 1360 Ah /1941 ad.
  13. The expression of the Quran and its statement: Muhyiddin bin Ahmed Mustafa Darwish, guidance house for university affairs (Homs- Syria), Dar Al-Yamama (Damascus-Beirut), Dar Ibn Kathir ( Damascus-Beirut), the fourth edition 1415 Ah.
  14. Laconicism in Gharib Al-muwatta and his expression on the doors: Al-iverni (Mohammed bin Abdul Haq), investigation: Dr. Abdul Rahman bin Suleiman Al-Othaimeen, Obeikan library, first edition 2001.
  15. Millennium ibn Malik: ibn Malik (Muhammad ibn Abdullah, ibn Malik, al-Ta'i, Al-Giyani), House of cooperation.
  16. Amali Ibn al-shajri: Ibn al-shajri (Dia al-Din Hibat Allah ibn Ali), investigation: Dr. Mahmoud Mohammed Al-tanahi, Al-Khanji library (Cairo) first edition 1413 Ah/ 1991 ad.
  17. Mother: Shafi'i (Mohammed bin Idris), House of knowledge (Beirut)1410Ah/1990.
  18. The magnificent sea explained the treasure of minutes: Ibn Najim al-Masri (Zayn al-Din ibn Ibrahim ibn Muhammad), and finally: the sequel to the magnificent sea by Muhammad ibn Hussein ibn Ali Al-Turi, Islamic Book House, second edition.
  19. The surrounding sea in the origins of jurisprudence: Al-Zarkashi (Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Bahadur), Al-Ketbi house, first edition 1414 Ah/ 1994 ad.
  20. The beginnings of the crafts in the order of the canons: Alaeddin Al-Kasani (Abu Bakr Ibn Masoud Ibn Ahmad), House of scientific books, second edition 1406 Ah/ 1986 ad.
  21. The beginning of the industrious and the end of the frugal: Ibn Rushd (Abu al-Walid Mohammed bin Ahmed), Dar Al-Hadith (Cairo) 1425 Ah/ 2004 ad.
  22. Badi Al-Nizam (the end of access to the science of Origins): Ibn al-Saati (Muzaffar al-Din Ahmed bin Ali), investigation: Saad bin Ghurair bin Mahdi al-Salami, PhD thesis (Umm Al-Qura University) under the supervision of: Dr. Mohammed Abdul Dayem Ali, 1405 Ah/ 1985 ad.
  23. Making an examination of the origins: Alaa asmandi (Mohammed bin Abdul Hamid), investigation: Dr. Mohammed Zaki Abdel Bar, Heritage Library (Cairo) first edition 1412 Ah/ 1992 ad.
  24. Proof in the origins of jurisprudence: imam of the Two Holy Mosques Al- juwayni (Abdul Malik bin Abdullah), investigation: Salah bin Mohammed Ibn Aweida, House of scientific books (Beirut-Lebanon) First Edition 1418 Ah/ 1997 ad.
  25. Proof in the sciences of the Qur'an: Al - Zarkashi (Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn Bahadur), Investigation: Muhammad Abi Fadl Ibrahim, the House of revival of Arabic books-Isa Al-Babi al-Halabi and his partners, first edition 1376 Ah/ 1957 ad.
  26. The building explained the gift: Badr al-Din Al-Aini (Mahmoud bin Ahmed bin Musa), House of scientific books (Beirut-Lebanon) First Edition 1420 Ah/ 2000 AD.
  27. The statement in the doctrine of the Shafi'i Imam: Abu al-Hussein Yahya ibn Abi Al-Khair Al-Umrani Al-Yamani, investigation: Qasim Muhammad al-Nouri, Dar Al-Minhaj (Jeddah) first edition 1421 Ah/ 2000 AD.
  28. Brief explanation of Ibn al-Hajib: Isfahani (Shams al-Din bin Ahmed), Investigation: Muhammad Mazhar Baqa, Dar Al-Madani (Saudi Arabia) first edition 1406 Ah / 1986 ad.
  29. Insight into the origins of jurisprudence: Shirazi (Ibrahim ibn Ali), investigation: Dr. Mohammed Hassan Hito, Dar Al-Fikr (Damascus) first edition 1403 Ah.
  30. The statement in the expression of the Quran: Abu al-stay Al-Akbari (Abdullah bin al-Hussein), investigation: Ali Mohammed Al-bajawi, press: Isa Al-Babi al-Halabi & co.
  31. Liberation and enlightenment = liberation of the sound meaning and enlightenment of the new mind from the interpretation of the glorious book: Ibn Ashur (Muhammad Tahir ibn Muhammad), Tunisian publishing house (Tunisia) 1984 Ah.
  32. Al-muhtaj's masterpiece in explaining the curriculum, and the footnotes of Al-sherwani and al-Abadi: Ibn Hajar Al-Hitmi (Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Ali), reviewed and corrected: by a committee of scholars, the great commercial library (Egypt) 1357 Ah/ 1983 ad.
  33. Graduation of branches based on the origins: Shihab al-Din al-Zanjani, investigation: Dr. Mohammed Adib Saleh, Al-Risala Foundation (Beirut) second edition 1398 Ah.
  34. The collection of mosques by Taj al-Din al-Sobki: Al-Zarkashi (Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Bahadur), investigation: Dr. Abdullah Rabi, Dr. Sayed Abdul Aziz, Cordoba Foundation, distribution of the Makkah library, first edition 1418Ah/ 1998.
  35. Definitions: Sharif Al-jurjani (Ali bin Mohammed), investigation and Correction: a group of scientists under the supervision of the publisher, scientific books House (Beirut- Lebanon) First Edition 1403 Ah/1983 ad.
  36. Closing the commentary on Sahih al-Bukhari: Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (Ahmad ibn Ali), investigation: said Abdul Rahman Musa al- qazqi, Islamic Bureau (Dar Ammar- Beirut), (Amman-Jordan) first edition 1405 Ah.
  37. Tafsir al-Alusi= the spirit of meanings in the interpretation of the great Qur'an and the seven muthani: Alusi (Shihab al-Din Mahmoud ibn Abdullah), investigation: Ali Abd al-Bari Attiyah, House of scientific books (Beirut) first edition 1415 Ah.
  38. Tafsir al-IJI= the collector of the statement in the interpretation of the Quran: Muhammad Bin Abdul Rahman al-Husseini al-IJI, House of scientific books (Beirut) first edition 1424 Ah / 2004 ad.
  39. Simple explanation: al-Wahidi (Ali bin Ahmed bin Mohammed), the origin of his investigation in (15) doctoral thesis, Imam Muhammad Bin Saud University, publisher: Deanship of scientific research (Imam Muhammad Bin Saud Islamic University - Saudi Arabia) first edition 1430 Ah.
  40. Tafsir al-baghawi= download milestones in the interpretation of the Quran: Muhyi al-Sunnah, al-Hussein bin Massoud Al-baghawi, Investigation: Muhammad Abdullah al-Nimr, Othman Juma dhamiriya, and Suleiman Muslim al-Harash, Dar Taybah, fourth edition 1417 Ah/1997 ad.
  41. Tafsir al-thulabi= disclosure and statement about the interpretation of the Quran: Abu Ishaq Al - thulabi (Ahmed bin Muhammad Bin Ibrahim), investigation: Imam Abu Muhammad Bin Ashur, review and audit: peer of Al-Saadi, House of revival of Arab heritage (Beirut-Lebanon) First Edition 1422 Ah/ 2002 ad.
  42. Interpretation of Al-Samaani: Abu al-Muzaffar, Mansour bin Mohammed bin Abdul-Jabbar, investigation: Yasser bin Ibrahim, and Ghoneim bin Abbas bin Ghoneim, Dar Al - Watan (Riyadh-Saudi Arabia) first edition 1418 Ah/ 1997 ad.
  43. Tafsir al-Tabari= the collector of the statement in the interpretation of the Quran: Muhammad Bin Jarir, Abu Jafar al-Tabari, investigation: Ahmed Muhammad shaker, the foundation of the message, the first edition 1420 Ah/ 2000 AD.
  44. Interpretation of Abdul Razzaq: Abu Bakr Abdul Razzaq Bin Hammam al-Yamani al-Sanaani, study and investigation: Dr. Mahmoud Mohammed Abdo, House of scientific books (Beirut) first edition 1419 Ah.
  45. Tafsir Ibn Atiyah= the brief editor in Tafsir of the Dear Book: Ibn Atiyah (Abdul Haq bin Ghalib), investigation: Abdus Salam Abdul Shafi Muhammad, House of scientific books (Beirut - Lebanon) First Edition 1422 Ah.
  46. Interpretation of the Qurtubi= the whole of the provisions of the Qur'an: Shams al-Din al-Qurtubi (Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Abi Bakr), investigation: Ahmed Al-barduni, and Ibrahim atfishh, Egyptian House of books (Cairo) second edition 1384Ah / 1964 ad.
  47. The great interpretation= the keys of the unseen: Fakhr al-Din al-Razi Al-Shafi'i, the House of revival of Arab heritage (Beirut) third edition 1420 Ah.
  48. Tafsir al-nisaburi= the oddities of the Qur'an and the desires of the Furqan: Nizam al-Din al-Hassan bin Muhammad bin Hussein al-Qomi Al-nisaburi, investigation: Sheikh Zakariya umayrat, House of scientific books (Beirut) first edition 1416 Ah.
  49. Intermediate interpretation= the mediator in the interpretation of the glorious Quran: al - Wahidi (Ali bin Ahmed bin Mohammed), investigation: Sheikh Adel Ahmed Abdul-mawjod, Sheikh Ali Mohammed Moawad, and others, presented by: Prof./ Dr./ Abdul-Hayy Al-vermawi, scientific books House (Beirut-Lebanon) First Edition 1415 Ah/ 1994 ad.
  50. Report and inking: Ibn Amir Haj (Shams al-Din Muhammad ibn Muhammad), House of scientific books (Beirut - Lebanon) second edition 1403 Ah /1983 ad.
  51. Evaluation of evidence in the origins of jurisprudence: Abu Zaid Al-Dabboussi (Abdullah Bin Omar), investigation: Khalil Muhyiddin Al-Mays, House of scientific books, first edition 1421 Ah/ 2001 ad.
  52. Introduction to the origins of jurisprudence: Abu al-Khattab al-kuludani (Mahfouz bin Ahmed), investigation: Mufid Muhammad Abu Amsha, and Muhammad Bin Ali bin Ibrahim, center for scientific research and revival of Islamic heritage (Umm Al-Qura University) first edition 1406 Ah/1985 ad.
  53. Preface to the graduation of branches on the origins: Al-isnawi (Jamal al-Din Abdul Rahim), investigation: Dr. Mohammed Hassan hitto, Al-Risala Foundation (Beirut) first edition 1400 Ah.
  54. Explanation in the brief explanation of Ibn al-Hajib: Khalil bin Ishaq Al-Jundi, investigation: Dr. Ahmed bin Abdul Karim Najib, najibweh Center for manuscripts and heritage service, first edition 1429 Ah/ 2008 ad.
  55. Facilitating the editing of the book Tahrir on the origins of jurisprudence combining the terms Hanafi and Shafi'i: Amir Badshah (Muhammad Amin), publisher: Mustafa al-Babi al-Halabi (Egypt) 1351 Ah/ 1932, and his photo: House of scientific books (Beirut) 1403 Ah/1983, and House of thought (Beirut) 1417 Ah/1996.
  56. The small mosque of Muhammad ibn al-Hassan al-Shaybani, and its great useful explanation: Muhammad Abd al-Hayy ibn Abd Al-Halim Al-Ansari Al-laknawi, the world of books (Beirut) first edition 1406 Ah.
  57. Jawaher Al-Durr in solving the words of the acronym: Muhammad Bin Ibrahim bin Khalil al-Tatai, investigation: Dr. Abu al-Hassan, Nouri Hassan al-maslati, Dar Ibn Hazm (Beirut-Lebanon) First Edition 1435 Ah/ 2014 ad.
  58. The bright jewel on the qadduri abbreviation: Al-Hadadi (Abu Bakr Bin Ali bin Muhammad al-Zubaidi), charity printing press, First Edition 1322 Ah.
  59. The entourage of qalyubi and Amira: Ahmed Salama Al-qalyubi, and Ahmed Al-barlsi Amira, Dar Al-Fikr (Beirut) 1415 Ah/1995 ad.
  60. Al-bajirmi's footnote on the explanation of the curriculum (the students 'curriculum was abbreviated by Zakariya al-Ansari from the students' curriculum for nuclear and then explained in the explanation of the students ' curriculum)= abstraction for the benefit of slaves: Suleiman bin Mohammed bin Omar al-bajirmi, al-Halabi press, 1369 Ah/ 1950 ad.
  61. A footnote to the explanation of the curriculum: al-Jamal (Suleiman bin Omar al-ajili), Dar Al-Fikr (Beirut).
  62. Al-Desouki's footnote on the great commentary: Mohammed bin Ahmed bin Arafa Al-Desouki, Dar Al-Fikr.
  63. Al-Desouki's footnote on the abbreviation of meanings by Saad al-Din al-Taftazani: Mohammed bin Arafa Al-Desouki, investigation: Abdul Hamid Hindawi, Modern Library (Beirut).
  64. Shahab's footnote on the interpretation of the Oval= the attention of the judge and the sufficiency of the satisfied on the interpretation of the Oval: Shihab al- Din al-Khafaji (Ahmed bin Mohammed), (Sadr House-Beirut).
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  66. Tibi's footnote on the Scout= opening the unseen in revealing the mask of doubt: Sharaf al-Din al-Hussein bin Abdullah Tibi, introduction to the investigation: Iyad Mohammed Al-ghouj, academic department: Dr. Jamil Bani Atta, general supervisor of scientific directing of the book: Dr. Mohammed Abdul Rahim, publisher: Dubai International Prize for the Holy Quran, first edition 1434 Ah/ 2013 ad.
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  68. The Great al-Hawi in the jurisprudence of the doctrine of Imam Shafi'i: al-Mawardi (Ali bin Muhammad Bin Muhammad), an investigation: Sheikh Ali Muhammad Moawad, and Sheikh Adel Ahmed Abdul - mawjod, House of scientific books (Beirut-Lebanon) First Edition 1419 Ah/ 1999 ad.
  69. Elegant boundaries and precise definitions: Al-senniki (Zakariya bin Mohammed bin Ahmed Al-Ansari), investigation: Dr. Mazen Al-Mubarak, Dar Al-Fikr Al-Soomar (Beirut), first edition 1411 Ah.
  70. The preserved course in the sciences of the book is taught by: Al-Sameen al-Halabi (Ahmed bin Yousef bin Abdul-Daim), an investigation by: Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Al-Kharrat, Dar Al-Qalam (Damascus).
  71. The role of interpretation in the aphorism: Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti (Abdul Rahman ibn Abi Bakr), Dar Al-Fikr (Beirut).
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