يتناول البحث موضوع استزراع اللحوم في المختبرات، وهل سيتحقق ما يقال من أن ذلك سيحل مشكلة كبيرة في المجتمع، حيث سيتم توفير اللحوم بكثرة في الأسواق بأسعار زهيدة، في ظل تقدم الهندسة الوراثية في مختلف المجالات، واكتشاف الخلايا الجذعية، والتي يمكن من خلالها استخلاص الأنسجة وتطويرها.
ولاستزراع اللحوم في المختبرات، وحتى وصولها إلى المستهلك، لابد أن يمر بمراحل ثلاثة:
أولها: التكنولوجيا الحديثة، وهذا جهد ودور علماء الكيمياء، والأحياء، والزراعة من المتخصصين في ذلك.
ثانيها: فحص اللحوم المستزرعة، والتعرف على فوائدها ومضارها على صحة الإنسان، وهذا دور المؤسسات الطبية، والتشريعية في الدول والأنظمة حتى يتم التصريح بها، أو حظرها.
ثالثها: الحكم الشرعي لاستزراع، وتناول اللحوم المستزرعة، وهذا دور الفقهاء والباحثين في مجال الفقه الإسلامي.
وإذا كان علماء الكيمياء، والأحياء، والزراعة، والأطباء، وغيرهم، قاموا بدورهم في استزراع اللحوم في مختبراتهم، وقامت بعض الدول والحكومات غير الإسلامية بإقرار تداول اللحوم في أسواقها، فلا بد من بيان الحكم الشرعي لاستزراع اللحوم في المختبرات، وحكم أكلها، قبل إقرارها، وتداولها بالأسواق الإسلامية، وهو ما أحاول الإجابة عنه في هذا البحث.
The research deals with the issue of meat culture in laboratories, and whether it will be true that this will solve a major problem in society, as meat will be provided in abundance in the markets at low prices, in light of the progress of genetic engineering in various fields, and the discovery of stem cells, through which tissue can be extracted and developed.
In order to grow meat in laboratories, until it reaches the consumer, it must go through three stages:
The first of these is modern technology, and this is the effort and role of chemists, biologists, and agriculture who specialize in it.
Second: Examining cultured meat and identifying its benefits and harms to human health, and this is the role of medical and legislative institutions in countries and regulations until it is authorized or banned.
Third: The legal ruling on the cultivation and eating of cultured meat, and this is the role of jurists and researchers in the field of Islamic jurisprudence. If chemists, biologists, agriculture, doctors, and others have played their part in the cultivation of meat in their laboratories, and some non-Islamic countries and governments have approved the circulation of meat in their markets, it is necessary to clarify the legal ruling for growing meat in laboratories, and the ruling on eating it, before approving it, and trading it in Islamic markets, which I am trying to answer in this research.
أحمد: أحمد محمد بن حنبل، المتوفى سنة 241 هـ، مسند الإمام أحمد ط. مؤسسة الرسالة، و ط.أخرى دار الكتب العلمية.
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المرداوي: الإنصاف-
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المواق: المواق المالكي- التاج والإكليل-ط. دار الكتب العلمية.
com. 27- 1- 2023 -موقع: أحمد جلال عميد كلية الزراعة بجامعة عين شمس، المصري اليوم
موقع: د/ محمد علي حسن- دكتور مهندس في إحدى الجامعات اليابانية متخصص في هندسة الفضاء والنانو، بتاريخ 22\9\2022م على الفيس بوك، مقال: محمد بن سامي بتاريخ 22\7\2022م على الفيس بوك، التلفزيون العربي- برنامج صباح جديد- حوار حول اللحوم المستزرعة في المختبر بتاريخ 31\1\2023م.
موقع: جريدة أخبار اليوم المصرية- بتاريخ السبت ١٣\٥\٢٠٢٣م، بعنوان: دراسة حديثة: اللحوم المزروعة في المختبر ضارة بالبيئة. https: //akhbareelyom.com/news
الموصلي: الموصلي الحنفي- الاختيار لتعليل المختار
الموسوعة الفقهية الكويتية - ط. ذات السلاسل - الكويت - ط. الثانية سنة 1410 هـ - 1990 م.
ابن مفلح: أبو إسحاق برهان الدَّين إبراهيم بن محمد بن عبد الله بن محمد بن مفلح الحنبلي - المتوفى سنة 884 هـ - المبدع شرح المقنع - تحقيق محمد حسن محمد حسن إسماعيل الشافعي - ط. دار الكتب العلمية - بيروت - لبنان - بدون، الفروع.
المقدسي: شمس الدَّين أبو الفرج عبد الرحمن بن أبي عمر، المتوفى سنة 682هـ، الشرح الكبير على متن المقنع، مطبوع مع المغني لابن قدامة، دار الكتاب العربي، بيروت، بدون تاريخ.
ابن منظور: محمد بن بكر بن منظور المصري - لسان العرب - ط. دار المعرفة - بدون
ابن النجار: معونة أولي النهى شرح منهى الإرادات.
ابن نجيم: ابن نجيم الحنفي- البحر الرائق شرح كنز الدقائق.
النووي، أبو زكريا محي الدَّين يحيى بن شرف النووي، المتوفى سنة 676هـ، روضة الطالبين: ط. دار الكتب العلمية - بيروت - الأولى سنة 1412 هـ - 1993 م، المجموع ، شرح النووي على صحيح مسلم-ط. دار إحياء التراث.
ابن الهمام: الإمام كمال الدَّين محمد بن عبد الواحد السيواسي ثم السكندري المعروف بابن الهمام، المتوفى 681هـ، شرح فتح القدير، على الهداية شرح بداية المبتدي للمرغيناني، ط.دار الكتب العلمية، بدون.
الهيثمي: الحافظ نور الدين على بن أبي بكر الهيثمي المتوفى سنة 807 هـ - مجمع الزوائد ومنبع الفوائد - ط. دار الريان للتراث - القاهرة - بدون.
Index of sources and references
1. Ahmad: Ahmad Muhammad ibn Hanbal, who died in 241 ah, the Musnad of Imam Ahmad I. The foundation of the letter, and I.Another house of scientific books.
Aorta: Abu Bakr Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Maliki aorta-explanation of the great acronym of the aorta-comprehensive.
Al-Azhari: Suleiman bin Omar bin Mansour al-ajili al -Azhari - known as the camel - a footnote of the camel on the explanation of the curriculum-comprehensive.
Al-AMDI: Saif al-Din al-AMDI-tightening the rules of judgments - comprehensive.
Al-Ansari: Sheikh Zakariya bin Mohammed bin Zakariya al-Ansari-Asni Al-Mutalib explained the student's kindergarten-comprehensive.
Al-babarti: Muhammad Bin Muhammad Bin Mahmoud Akmal al-Din Abu Abdullah Bin Shams al-Din al-Rumi Al-babarti-taking care to explain the comprehensive guidance.
The bar: Dr. Muhammad Ali al-bar-stem cells-research in the Journal of the Islamic Fiqh Academy.
Badriya: Dr. Badriya Al-Harthy-Al-Nawazil in foods-master thesis-Imam Muhammad Bin Saud University-Saudi Arabia 1432h-2011g.
Al-bajirmi: sheikh Suleiman al-bajirmi-Al-bajirmi's entourage on the Khatib-I. Dar Al-Fikr for printing and publishing-1955 ad.
Al-Bukhari: Imam Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari, Sahih al-Bukhari explained the opening of al-Bari, I. - Salafi printing press.
Father of onions: Dr. Abdul Nasser Musa Abu al-bass-intelligence after electric shock (reconsideration in the light of new developments)- a research published in the Journal of the Islamic Fiqh complex.
Ibn Battal: Abu Al-Hasan Ali ibn Khalaf Ibn Abdul Malik d449h-Sahih al-Bukhari explained-I. Al-roshd library 1423h-2003g.
Al-baghawi: explanation
Belhadj: Dr. Arab Ahmed Belhaj-the legality of the use of stem cells from a legal and ethical point of view.
The bahuti: Sheikh Mansour Bin Yunus bin Idris bin Salah al-Din al-Masri, who died in 1051 ah, the scout of the mask on board the persuasion, I. The world of books-Beirut-Lebanon I. The first was in 1417 Ah - 1997 ad, the square kindergarten.
Al-busairi: Shihab al-Din al-busairi-the lamp of the bottle in zawaida bin Majah-Al-Shamila.
Byda: Dr. Baida Abdel Aziz-lecture on stem cells and their uses in life sciences.
Al-Bayhaqi: Ahmad ibn al-Husayn ibn Ali, deceased in 458 ah, the great Sunnah I. House of knowledge-Beirut in 1413 Ah-1992 ad, knowledge of the ages and antiquities.
Tabrizi: Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-Khatib Al-Tabrizi - Mishkat Al-Misbah I. Islamic Bureau I. The third year 1405 Ah-1985 ad-Tirmidhi: Abu Isa Muhammad Bin Souda bin Musa Bin Al-dahhak, who died in 279 ah, the correct mosque known as" Sunan Tirmidhi", I. House of thought-I. The second was in 1430- 1983 ad.
Ibn Taymiyyah: Ahmad Bin Abdul Halim bin Abdul Salam Ibn Taymiyyah-total fatwas, minutes of interpretation-comprehensive.
Ibn Jazi: Ibn Jazi al-Maliki-Fiqh laws
Al-Jassas: he is Imam Abu Bakr Ahmad Al-Razi Al-Jassas-died in the year 370 ah-the provisions of the Holy Quran - I. Heritage revival house-1412 Ah-1992 ad.
Governor: Al-Hafiz Abu Abdullah Al-Hakim al-naisaburi-Al-mustadraq Ali al-sahiheen I. House of knowledge-Beirut I 1411 Ah - 1990 ad .
Ibn Hajar Al-Hitmi: Shihab al-Din Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Hajar Al-Hitmi - the masterpiece of the needy in explaining the curriculum.
Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani: Ahmad ibn Ali Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, deceased in 852 Ah-Habir summary, I.The foundation of Cordoba, the first 1416h-1995g, the granular summary, the know-how of the graduation of hadiths of guidance.
Ibn Hazm: Ali ibn Ahmad Ibn Hazm Al-Dhahiri, local antiquities I. Department of typography, I. House of scientific books-without.
Al-haskafi: Muhammad Ala al-Din bin Ali bin Muhammad Al-Hosni, famous for the Hanafi haskafi, who died in 1088 ah, the chosen course explained the Enlightenment of the eyes, printed with a margin of Ibn Abidin's footnote "the response of Al-Muhtar", Mustafa al-Halabi, Egypt, the third, 1984.
Al-Hosni: Al-Hayani Al-Hosni-the sufficiency of the good people in solving the very abbreviation - publisher: Dar Al-Khair I. The first-1994.
Khalal: khalal al-Baghdadi al-Hanbali-rulings of the people of boredom and apostasy-I. The House of scientific books-the first 1414 Ah.
Al-daraktani: al-Hafiz Ali ibn Umar, deceased in 385 Ah, Sunan Al-daraktani, I. House of knowledge-without.
Elderflower-the big explanation
Abu Dawud: Sulayman Ibn al-Ash'ath Ibn Ishaq Al-sijistani Al-azdi, who died in 275 ah, the son of Abu Dawud, I. The fashionable library - without a date .
Al-desuqi: Muhammad ibn Arfa, Al-desuqi's footnote on the great commentary, - I. The House of knowledge-without-and I. Another Arabic book revival house - Issa Al-Halabi & co. - without.
Ibn Rushd grandson: Abu al-Walid Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Muhammad Bin Rashid al-Qurtubi philosopher, died in 595 ah-the beginning of the industrious and the end of the frugal I. The House of knowledge I. The sixth 1402h-1982g.
Al-Razi: Zain al-Din Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Abu Bakr Bin Abdul Qader Al-razzit 666 Ah-Mukhtar al-Sahah I. King Abdulaziz City for science and technology, keys of the unseen.
Al-Rafi: Abu Al-Qasim Al-Rafi al-Qazwini-Fateh al-Aziz brief explanation-I. House of scientific books
Al-rajaraji-methods of achievement I. Dar Ibn Hazm I. The first is 2007.
Al-Ramli: Mohammed Ahmed Al-Ramli Al-Nassari Al-Shafi'i-the purpose of the statement explained by Zaid bin Ruslan-comprehensive
Al-Zubaidi: Al-Murtada al-Zubaidi-crown of the bride-I. Dar Al-Hidaya-without.
The button is Kashi: Egyptian Zarkashi Hanbali-Zarkashi explained-publisher: Dar Obeikan I. The first is 1413 Ah.
Al-Zairi: Dr. Khalid al-Zairi-stem cells-I. The world of knowledge, 2008.
Abu Zahra: Sheikh Mohammed Abu Zahra-Zahra tafasir-I. The House of Arab Thought-without.
Al-zilai: Fakhr al-Din Uthman ibn Ali Al-Hanafi, deceased in 743 Ah, facts explained the treasure of minutes publisher-Islamic Book House-I. The first one was in 1313 ah, the banner was erected to graduate the hadiths of Al - Hidayah, printed with Al-Hidayah explaining the beginning of the novice to Al-marghinani-I. Heritage revival house.
Al-sarakhsi: Shams al-Din Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Sahl Al-Hanafi, deceased in 483 ah, al-mabsut, I. Dar Al marefa-Beirut-Lebanon -1409 H-1989 ad.
Al-Saadi: Hamad bin Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Hamad-explanation of the system of fiqh rules-comprehensive library.
Shashi: Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn al-qafal Al-Shashi Al-Shafi'i-the ornament of scholars in the knowledge of the doctrines of Jurists - comprehensive.
Shafi'i: Muhammad Ibn Idris al-Abbasi al-Qurashi, deceased in 204 Ah, mother, I. Library of Al-Azhar colleges-without, Musnad Al-Shafi'i.
Abu Shuja': Shihab al-Din Ahmad Bin Al-Hussein bin Ahmad al-Tayeb al-Isfahani - the book of Abu Shuja ' called the purpose and approximation-comprehensive.
Al-Sherbini: Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Khatib Al-Sherbini, deceased in 977 ah, a singer who needed to know the meanings of the words of the curriculum, I. House of knowledge.
Shaybah: Abu Bakr Abdullah bin Muhammad Bin Abu Shaybah Al-kufi Al-Absi-classified in Hadiths and antiquities -comprehensive.
Shirazi: Muhammad ibn Ishaq, the adept in the jurisprudence of the Shafi'i Imam, I. Pen house for printing and publishing -1417- 1996.
Al-Shanqiti: Muhammad Al-Amin Al - Shanqiti - the lights of the statement in the explanation of the Qur'an by the Qur'an-comprehensive.
Al-shawkani: the opening of the Almighty
Al-Sabouni: Muhammad Ali Al-Sabouni - masterpieces of Al-Bayan-publisher: Al -Ghazali library-Damascus-I. The second is 1980.
El-Sawy: Dr. Ramadan Abdullah Al-Sawy-stem cells-research in the Journal of Imam Malik College in the United Arab Emirates.
Al-Sanaani: Hafiz Abu Abdul Razzaq bin Humam al-Sanaani in the year 126 - 211 Ah-classified-I. Scientific council-without .
Al-Tabari: the great Imam and the famous modernist Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari, who died in 310 ah - the collector of the statement in the interpretation of the Quran - I. Dar Al-Hadith-Cairo-in 1407 Ah-1987 ad.
Al-Tabarani: Hafiz Abu Al-Qasim Suleiman Ibn Ahmad Al-Tabarani, the great lexicographer, I. Ibn Taymiyyah library.
Al-Tauri: Al-Tauri Al-Hanafi-the wonderful sea supplement explained the treasure of minutes.
Tayalsi: Abu Dawud tayalsi Sulaiman Ibn Dawud Ibn al-Jaroud-Musnad Abu Dawud tayalsi.
Ibn Abidin: Muhammad Ala al-Din ibn Muhammad Amin Ibn Umar, who died in 1252 ah, a footnote to Al-Muhtar's response to the chosen course explaining the Enlightenment of the eyes, I. Al-Halabi.
Ibn 'Abd al-Bar: he was Abu' Umar Yusuf ibn 'Abd Allah ibn' Umar ibn ' Abd al-Bar al-Nimri al-Qurtubi Al-Andalusi in the year 368 - 463 Ah. Dar Al-Gharb al-Islamiyya I. The first is 2003.
Abdul Rahman: Dr.Mahmoud Abdel Rahman Abdel Moneim-glossary of idiomatic terms and words- -I.The House of virtue.
Abdul Hamid: Dr. Ahmed Mukhtar Abdul Hamid-Dictionary of the contemporary Arabic language-publisher: Dar Alam books-I. The first one is 1429h-2008g.
Abeido: Abeer Ahmed abeido-stem cell transplantation and its provisions in Islamic jurisprudence-research in the Journal of Islamic Studies-Faculty of Dar Al Uloom-Cairo University.
Ibn Al-Arabi: Judge Muhammad bin Abdullah Abu Bakr Ibn Al-Arabi al-maafri al-Maliki-the provisions of the Holy Quran.
Al-Amrani: Abu al-Hussein salutes ibn Abi Al-Khair Ibn Salim al-Amrani Al-Shafi'i Al-Yamani, who died in 558 ah, the statement in the doctrine of Imam Al-Shafi'i, I. Dar Al-Minhaj, first edition 1421 Ah-2000 AD.
Al-Aini: Abu Mahmoud Muhammad bin Ahmed Al-Aini, the building in explaining the guidance to Al-Aini, I. Dar Al-Fikr-the second year 1411 Ah 1990 ad.
Al-Fayoumi: Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Ali al-maqri Al-Fayoumi, who died in 770 ah,the illuminating lamp in the great commentary of al-Rifai, I. Scientific progress I. The first was in 1323 A. H. -.
Judge: Judge Abdul Wahab al-Baghdadi-aid to the doctrine of the world of the city-comprehensive.
Ibn Qudamah: Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Ahmed bin Qudamah al-Maqdisi, deceased 620 Ah, singer, House of the world of the fourth books 1426 Ah/2005 ad, al-Kafi I. House of scientific books-Beirut-Lebanon-I. The first was in 1414Ah-1994.
Qaduri: abstraction
Al-qarafi: Shihab al-Din Abu al-Abbas Ahmad Ibn Idris ibn Abd al-Rahman Al-sanhaji, famous for Al-qarafi-died in 684 Ah-differences-I. The revival of Arabic books-I. The first year is 1344 Ah, ammunition .
Al-Qazwini: Abdulkarim bin al-Fadl bin Al-Hassan Al-Rafi al-Qazwini-explanation of the Shafi'i predicate-comprehensive.
Al-Qurtubi: Imam Shams al-Din Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Abu Bakr al-Ansari al-Qurtubi-the collector of the provisions of the Qur'an - I. Egyptian House of books-I. The second year was 1384 Ah-1964 ad.
Ibn Al-Qassar: Ali ibn Umar ibn Ahmad al-Baghdadi al-Maliki, known as Ibn Al-Qassar-the eyes of evidence in matters of disagreement between jurists-the comprehensive library.
Ibn al-Qaim: Shams al-Din Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr ibn Ayyub al-damashqi, deceased in 751 Ah-informing the signatories about the Lord of the worlds, Dar Ibn al-Jawzi-I.The first is 1423 Ah.
Al-Kasani: Alauddin Abu Bakr Ibn mas'ud Al-Hanafi, d. 587 ah, the beginnings of crafts in the order of the canons I. The Arabic book House.
The Honorable: Dr. Saleh Abdulaziz al-Karim-stem cells-Scientific Outlook-research in the Journal of the Islamic Fiqh complex-the sixth conference.
Al-kashnawi: Abu Bakr Hassan bin Abdullah Al-kashnawi-the easiest way to explain the guidance of the Salik in the doctrine of the imam of the imams Malik-I. House of thought.
Ibn Majah: al-Hafiz Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Yazid Al-Qazwini, famous as Ibn Majah, died in 275 Ah, Sunan Ibn Majah, I. The foundation of the message, the first 1412h-1992g .
Malik: Malik ibn Anas ibn Malik ibn Abi Amer al-asbhi, who died in 179 ah, al-muwatta I. The House of revival of the Arab heritage in 1404 Ah - 1984 ad, the great blog I. House of issue I. The first is 1323 Ah.
Al-Mawardi: Abu al-Hassan Ali bin Muhammad bin Habib al-Mawardi, deceased in 676 ah, the great Hawi, the House of scientific books, Beirut, the first 1414 Ah/1994.
Journal of the Islamic Fiqh Academy, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Arabic language complex: intermediate lexicon-I. Al-Shorouk library-I. Fourth.
Selected by: Dr. Iman Mokhtar Mustafa-stem cells and their impact on medical and surgical works from an Islamic Perspective-a comparative Fiqh studyt. Beirut.
Al-Mardawi: fairness
Massad: Dr. Saadeddine Massad Hilali-stem cells from animal to human-UNESCO research.
Muslim: Imam Abu al-Husayn Muslim Ibn Al-Hajjaj al-qushayri Al-nisaburi, deceased in 261 Ah, Sahih Muslim, I. The singer's House.
Merv: Dr. Mervat Mansour-medical and scientific experiments in the light of the inviolability of the physical entity-comparative study-I. The new University house-without.
Al-marghinani: , the guide explained the beginning of the Beginner, the beginning of the beginner
Positions: Maliki positions-crown and diadem-I. House of scientific books.
almasryalyoum.com. 27- 1- 2023- location: Ahmed Galal, dean of the Faculty of Agriculture at Ain Shams University, Masry today
Website: Dr. Mohammed Ali Hassan-doctor of Engineering at a Japanese university specializing in space and nano-engineering, dated 22/9/2022 on Facebook, article: Mohammed bin Sami dated 22/7/2022 on Facebook, Arab TV-new Morning program-a dialogue about lab-grown meat dated 31/1/2023.
Website: the Egyptian newspaper Akhbar Al-Youm-on Saturday \ \ ٥ \م, entitled: a recent study: meat grown in the laboratory is harmful to the environment.
https: //akhbareelyom.com/news
Al-musawali: Al-musawali Al-Hanafi-the choice to explain the Chosen One
Kuwaiti Fiqh Encyclopedia-I. The same chains-Kuwait-I. The second year was 1410 Ah-1990 ad.
Ibn muflih: Abu Ishaq Burhanuddin Ibrahim ibn Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn Muhammad ibn muflih Al-Hanbali-deceased in 884 ah-the creator explained the persuasive-investigation of Muhammad Hassan Muhammad Hassan Ismail al-Shafi'i-I. Dar scientific books-Beirut-Lebanon-without branches.
Al-Maqdisi: Shams al-Din Abu Al-Faraj Abd al-Rahman ibn Abi Umar, deceased in 682 ah, the great commentary on board the mask, printed with the singer for Ibn Qudamah, the House of the Arabic book, Beirut, without a date.
Ibn Manzoor: Muhammad ibn Bakr Ibn Manzoor al-Masri-the tongue of the Arabs-I. House of knowledge-without
Ibn al-Najjar: the help of the first forbidding explanation of the Terminator of wills.
Ibn Najim: Ibn Najim al-Hanafi-the magnificent sea explained the treasure of minutes.
Al-Nawawi, Abu Zakariya Muhyiddin Yahya Ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi, deceased in 676 Ah, students ' kindergarten: I. The House of scientific books-Beirut-the first year 1412 Ah - 1993 ad, the total, the explanation of the nuclear on Sahih Muslim-I. Heritage revival house.
Ibn al-Hammam: Imam Kamal al-Din Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahid al-siwasi and then the Alexandrian known as Ibn al-Hammam, deceased 681 Ah, explained the Fateh of the Almighty, on the guidance of explaining the beginning of the novice to Al-marghinani, I.The House of scientific books, without.
Al-haythmi: Hafiz Nur al-Din Ali ibn Abi Bakr al-haythmi, who died in 807 ah-the compound of appendages and the source of benefits-I. Dar Al Rayyan heritage-Cairo-without.