القواعد الكلية لأحكام الصيد الجائر في الفقه الإسلامي دراسة فقهية تأصيلية The overall rules of the provisions of poaching in Islamic jurisprudence - an original jurisprudential study

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


1 عضو مركز الأزهر العالمي للفتوى الإلكترونية قطاع مكتب فضيلة الإمام الأكبر شيخ الأزهر مشيخة الأزهر الشريف

2 قسم الفقه, كلية الشريعة والقانون بالقاهرة, جامعة الأزهر


يهدف البحث إلى إظهار الدور العظيم لقواعد الفقه الإسلامي في تناولها وبحثها لكافة الجوانب المتعلقة بأحكام الصيد الجائر في البيئة الطبيعية، وإظهار مدى رعاية الفقه الإسلامي من خلال نصوصه وقواعده لهذه البيئة بكل مكوناتها؛ لأن الحيوانات جزء من البيئة الطبيعية، وقواعد الفقه الإسلامي بيّنت لنا كيفية المحافظة عليها وصونها من أي تعدي.
كما يهدف البحث إلى ضبط أحكام الصيد الجائر بالقواعد الفقهية الكلية، مما يؤصل للحفاظ على البيئة من التعديات الجائرة من قِبل عصابات الصيد الجائر، فلو التزم الإنسان بشريعة الله لصلُح أمره وأمر بيئته، ولتجنب الكثير من المشكلات التي توقعه في حرجٍ، وضيقٍ بسبب تعديه الصارخ على بيئته سواء كان التعدي في تلويثها، واستنزافها من مواردها الطبيعية، وقد توصل البحث إلى نتائج من أهمها: أن الحفاظ على البيئة ورعايتها من أهم مقاصد الشريعة الإسلامية، وأن الحفاظ على الحيوانات البرية أو البحرية له قواعد فقهية أصيلة في الفقه الإسلامي؛ لذا لا يجوز بأي حال من الأحوال الصيد عبثًا، أو الصيد في الحرم، أو في المحميات الطبيعية إلا بتصريح وإذن من ولي الأمر، والسلطات المنوط بها هذا الفعل، ومن النتائج المهمة أيضًا:  أن الصيد الجائر من الإفساد في الأرض المنهي عنه شرعًا، ونوع من العدوان والظلم المنهي عنه شرعًا وقانونًا، ومن ثم وجب محاسبةِ المباشرِ لهذا الفعل وتوقيع أقسى العقوبة عليه.
The research aims to show the great role of the rules of Islamic jurisprudence in dealing with and researching all aspects related to the provisions of poaching in the natural environment, and to show the extent to which Islamic jurisprudence cares through its texts and rules for this environment with all its components, because animals are part of the natural environment, and the rules of Islamic jurisprudence showed us how to preserve and preserve them from any encroachment.
The research also aims to control the provisions of overfishing with the rules of jurisprudence total, which establishes the preservation of the environment from unfair infringements by overfishing gangs, If a person adheres to the law of God to reconcile his matter and the order of his environment, and to avoid many of the problems that cause him embarrassment, and distress because of his flagrant encroachment on his environment, whether the infringement is in polluting it, and depleting it of its natural resources, the research has reached results, the most important of which are: that preserving and caring for the environment is one of the most important purposes of Islamic law, and that the preservation of land or marine animals has original jurisprudential rules in Islamic jurisprudence, so it is not permissible in any way to fish in vain, or to fish in The sanctuary, or in natural reserves except with the permission and permission of the guardian, and the authorities entrusted with this act, and one of the important results is also: that poaching is one of the corruption in the land that is forbidden by Sharia, and a kind of aggression and injustice that is forbidden by law and law, and therefore it is necessary to hold this act accountable and impose the harshest punishment on it.

الكلمات الرئيسية

الموضوعات الرئيسية

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  59. Ahmad ibn Hanbal's matters is a novel by his son Abdullah, by Abu Abdullah Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Hanbal Ibn Hilal Ibn Asad Al-Shaibani (deceased: 241 Ah), investigator: Zuhair al - Shawish, publisher: Islamic Bureau - Beirut-first edition: 1401 Ah-1981 ad.
  60. The hospital, author: Abu Hamid Mohammed bin Mohammed Al-Ghazali al-Tusi (deceased: 505 Ah), investigation: Mohammed Abdul Salam Abdul Shafi, publisher: House of scientific books, first edition, 1413 Ah - 1993 ad.
  61. Musnad Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal, investigator: Shoaib Al-Arnout-Adel Morshed, and others, supervision: Dr. Abdullah bin Abdul Mohsen al-Turki, publisher: Al-Risala foundation, first edition, 1421 Ah-2001 ad.
  62. The brief correct predicate of transferring Justice from justice to the messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), known (as a true Muslim): Muslim Ibn Al-Hajjaj Abu al-Hassan al-qushairi Al-naisaburi (deceased: 261 Ah), investigator: Mohammed Fouad Abdel Baqi, publisher: House of revival of Arab heritage-Beirut.
  63. The illuminating lamp in Gharib Al-Sharh al-Kabir, author: Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Ali al-Fayoumi and then Al-Hamwi, Abu al-Abbas (deceased: about 770 Ah), publisher: Scientific Library - Beirut.
  64. The big lexicon
  65. The dictionary of the contemporary Arabic language, author: Dr. Ahmed Mukhtar Abdul Hamid Omar (deceased: 1424 ah) with the help of a team, publisher: world of books, first edition, 1429 Ah - 2008 ad.
  66. Intermediate lexicon
  67. Dictionary of language metrics, author: Ahmed bin Fares Bin Zakaria al-Qazwini Al-Razi, Abu al-Hussein (d.: 395 Ah), investigator: Abdul Salam Muhammad Harun, publisher: Dar Al-Fikr, year of publication: 1399 Ah-1979 ad.
  68. Singer for Ibn Qudamah, publisher: Cairo library, publication date: 1388 Ah - 1968 ad
  69. Al-Munajjid in the language, by Ali bin Al-Hassan Al-Hinai Al-azdi, Abu al-Hassan nicknamed" The Shepherd of ants " (deceased: after 309 Ah), investigation: Dr. Ahmed Mukhtar Omar, Dr. Dahi Abdel Baqi, publisher: world of books, Cairo second edition, 1988.
  70. Food and Agriculture Organization of nations

http://www.fao.org/iuu-fishing/international-framework/code-of-conduct-for-responsible-fisheries/ar،الأربعاء, 18/11/2020 ad.

  1. The curriculum is explained by Sahih Muslim Ibn Al-Hajjaj, famous for explaining al-Nawawi to a Muslim, who is Abu Zakariya Muhyiddin Yahya Ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi (deceased: 676 Ah), publisher: House of revival of Arab heritage - Beirut, second edition, 1392 Ah.
  2. Approvals, by Ibrahim bin Musa bin Mohammed Al-Lakhmi Al-gharnati, famous for Al-shatibi, (deceased: 790 Ah), investigator: Abu ubayda famous bin Hassan Al-Salman, publisher: Dar ibn Affan, edition: first edition, 1417 Ah/ 1997 ad.
  3. The talents of al - Jalil in a brief explanation of Khalil, by Shams al-Din Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Abd al-Rahman Al-Tarabulsi al-Maghribi, known as the woodcutter Al-Ra'aini al-Maliki (deceased: 954 Ah), publisher: Dar Al-Fikr, third edition, 1412 Ah-1992 ad.
  4. Encyclopedia of birds and animals in the Hadith of the Prophet, by Abdellatif Ashour, publisher: Cairo, edition: No edition.
  5. Encyclopedia of the ocean of knowledge and science-environmental problems, prepared by: Tarek Murad, publisher: University Salary House-Beirut-Lebanon, edition: No edition.
  6. The United Nations news website, from the following link: https: //2u.pw/yMHFW
  7. The website of the International Union for conservation of nature is available at the following link: https: //2u.pw/7io6W
  8. Egyptian fatwa House website :

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  1. Views on the convention on Biological Diversity, a legal study of the latest Environmental Protection Agreements, by Prof. Dr.: Ahmed Abdel Karim Salama, research published in the Egyptian Journal of International Law, No. 48.
  2. The systems of the tortured in a strange interpretation of the words of the polite, for Mohammed bin Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Sulaiman bin hero rugby, Abu Abdullah, known as hero (deceased: 633 ah), a study, investigation and commentary: d. Mustafa Abdul Hafid Salem, publisher: commercial library, Makkah, year of publication: 1988(Part 1), 1991 (Part 2).
  3. Muhammad Bin Ali bin Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-shawkani Al-Yamani (deceased: 1250 Ah), investigation: Essam al - Din al-sababti, publisher: Dar Al-Hadith, Egypt, first edition, 1413 Ah-1993 ad.