The Role of International Organizations and Bodies in Settling the States International Environmental Disputes / دور المنظمات والهيئات الدولية في تسوية المنازعات البيئية الدولية بين الدول

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


1 كلية القانون و الانسانيات الجامعة المصرية الصينية

2 Judge at Council of State Post Graduated From Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport


The phenomenon of international organizations is one of the relatively recent phenomena in the history of the international law and international relations, which is a phenomenon that, despite its novelty, has been able in the form and in the way it desired to occupy its place and to play its assigned role, regardless of the negatives which erode its performance from time to time[1].
As for what is meant by the resolution of the conflict through international organizations, it is the ability of the organization to Crystallize a set of rules, agreed upon by the member states to settle what may arise between them from disputes peacefully, with the effective application of those rules as far as possible in what might be resulted  from disputes[2].
In this context, we emphasize an important point, which is not only new the role of international organizations in settling international disputes in general or their existence as an important factor in the framework of international relations, the evidence, is the text of the covenant of the League of Nations on this role, but what is new to it is also that this kind of the disputes in which the environment is the main component.
It should be noted that most of the international organizations were established at a time when there were not in it, environmental protection issues receive official and popular attention, and for this came most of the charters of these organizations devoid of any text or texts include the protection of the environment as one of the goals that the international organizations operate on its achievement[3].
 International organizations of all kinds contribute an ample share of the resolving of the environmental disputes, whether by establishing new subsidiary authorities or by issuing many recommendations, declarations, and decisions that contribute by one way or another in preventing and settling these disputes, whether with the aim of preventing the environmental damages before they occur or with the aim of settling disputes arising from these damages after their occurrence[4].
There are also some regional judicial bodies in general or specialized in the field of human rights; their role in the field of dispute settlement began to emerge concerning the depletion of the natural resources or related to claiming the right in the environment.
Our study of this topic will be from two aspects: (first) the role of international in settling States international environmental disputes, and (second) the role of regional organizations and the agencies specialized settling States environmental international dispute.
[1] Dr. MAMOUN ELMANAN, the principles of the public international law, the general theory and the laws of charters and the international organizations, Dar Alkottob Alkanonyia, Dar Shatat for publishing and programming, Egypt, 2010 P.213.
[2] Dr. OMAR SAAD ALLAH, the international law for solving disputes, P. 81.
[3] Dr. ABDELAZIZ MEKHAIMAR, The role of the international organizations in protecting the environment, Dar Elnahda Elarabia, Cairo, 1986, P. 75.
[4] Dr. RIYADH ABOELATTA, the role of the public international law in protecting the environment, P. 156.
ملخص البحث
تعد ظاهرة المنظمات الدولية من الظواهر الحديثة نسبيا في تاريخ القانون الدولي والعلاقات الدولية، وهي الظاهرة التي، وعلى الرغم من حداثتها، استطاعت بالشكل والأسلوب الذي أرادته أن تحتل مكانها وتقوم بالدور المنوط بها؛ وذلك بغض النظر عن السلبيات التي تعيق أدائها من وقت لآخر. [1]
وأما بالنسبة لما هو مقصود بتسوية المنازعات عن طريق المنظمات الدولية فهو قدرة المنظمة على بلورة مجموعة من القواعد تتفق عليها الدول الأعضاء لحل ما قد ينشأ بينها من منازعات على نحوٍ سلمي، مع التطبيق الفعال لتلك القواعد قدر الإمكان فيما قد يثور من منازعات. [2]
وفي إطار هذا السياق نؤكد على نقطة مهمة، وهي ليس الجديد فقط دور المنظمات الدولية في تسوية المنازعات الدولية بشكل عام أو وجودها كعامل مهم في إطار العلاقات الدولية، والدليل هو نص ميثاق عصبة الأمم على هذا الدور، ولكن الجديد فيها أيضا أن هذا النوع من النزاعات تكون البيئة العنصر الرئيسي فيه.
وإنه لمن الجدير بالذكر أن أغلب المنظمات الدولية قد أنشئت في وقت لم يكن فيه قضايا حماية البيئة تحظى باهتمام رسمي وشعبي، ولهذا جاءت أغلب مواثيق هذه المنظمات خالية من أي نص أو نصوص تتضمن حماية البيئة كأحد الأهداف التي تعمل المنظمات الدولية على تحقيقها. [3]
وتساهم المنظمات الدولية على اختلاف أنواعها بنصيب وافر في حل المنازعات البيئية، سواء من خلال إنشاء هيئات فرعية جديدة، أو من خلال إصدار العديد من التوصيات والإعلانات والقرارات التي تساهم بشكل أو بآخر في منع وتسوية هذه المنازعات، سواء بهدف منع الأضرار البيئية قبل وقوعها، أو بهدف تسوية المنازعات الناشئة عن هذه الأضرار بعد وقوعها. [4]
كما أن هناك بعض الهيئات القضائية الإقليمية بشكل عام أو تلك المتخصصة في مجال حقوق الإنسان، قد بدأ يبرز دورها في مجال تسوية المنازعات المتعلقة باستنزاف الموارد الطبيعية أو المتعلقة بالمطالبة بالحق في البيئة.
وسوف تكون دراستنا لهذا الموضوع من جانبين: (أولاً) دور المنظمات الدولية في تسوية المنازعات البيئية الدولية للدول، و(ثانياً) دور المنظمات الإقليمية والهيئات المتخصصة في تسوية المنازعات البيئية الدولية للدول.
[1] د. مأمون المنان، مبادئ القانون الدولي العام والنظرية العامة وقوانين المواثيق والمنظمات الدولية، دار الكتب القانونية، دار شتات للنشر والبرمجة، مصر، 2010 ص213.
[2] د. عمر سعد الله، القانون الدولي لحل النزاعات، ص81.
[3] د. عبد العزيز مخيمر، دور المنظمات الدولية في حماية البيئة، دار النهضة العربية، القاهرة، 1986، ص75.
[4] د. رياض أبو العطا، دور القانون الدولي العام في حماية البيئة، ص156.

الكلمات الرئيسية

الموضوعات الرئيسية

  1. Among the international environmental agreements that stipulate the reliance on international organizations as a mechanism for settling the international environmental disputes: the Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982 adopting the mechanisms provided for in Article 33 of the Charter of the United Nations, which international organizations are among them, also stipulated the Helsinki Convention for the Protection of the Baltic Sea for the year on the possibility for an international organization to play the role of mediator if the parties jointly request it, provided that the dispute is not settled by way of negotiations, and it was not possible to reach an agreement, also Article 26 of the Helsinki Convention for the Protection of the Baltic Sea for the year 1992.
  2. FAWZI ISMAIL ISSA - “Environmental Pollutants and Their Side Effects,” Dar Al-Kutub AlAlamia, without a printed city, 2018. p. 30.
  3. FAWZI ISMAIL ISSA - “Environmental Pollutants and Their Side Effects,” Dar Al-Kutub AlAlamia, without a printed city, 2018. p. 30.
  4. FAWZI ISMAIL ISSA - “Environmental Pollutants and Their Side Effects,” Dar Al-Kutub AlAlamia, without a printed city, 2018. p. 30.
  5. ABDELAZIZ MEKHAIMAR, The Role of the International Organizations in Protecting the Environment, Dar Elnahda Elarabia, Cairo, 1986, P. 75.
  6. ABDELAZIZ MEKHAIMAR, The Role of the International Organizations in Protecting the Environment, Dar Elnahda Elarabia, Cairo, 1986, P. 75.
  7. BASHIR JUMA ABD AL-JABBAR AL-KUBAISI, previous reference, p. 135.
  8. FAWZI ISMAIL ISSA - “the previous reference. p. 30.
  9. KHALIL HUSSEIN, previous reference, p. 558-559, and for more details, see also: Dr. ABDULAZIZ AL-ASHAWI, Dr. ALI ABU HANI, previous reference, p. 86 et seq., also Chapter Six of the Charter of the United Nations.
  10. MAMOUN AL-MANAN, International Organization Role, p. 182. The charter of an international organization is defined as the multilateral international treaty that plays the role of the legal basis for the emergence and formation of the international organization, and it usually contains objectives and the principles of the organization; it defines its main and subsidiary authorities, the voting system, and decision-making; and it includes a variation of its foreign affairs activities and all the other details of it. So the charter is an agreement that contains an explicit official expression issued.
  11. MAMOUN ELMANAN, the principles of the public international law, the general theory, and the laws of charters and international organizations, Dar Alkottob Alkanonyia, Dar Shatat for Publishing and Programming, Egypt, 2010 P. 213.
  12. MAMOUN ELMANAN, the principles of the public international law, the general theory, and the laws of charters and international organizations, Dar Alkottob Alkanonyia, Dar Shatat for Publishing and Programming, Egypt, 2010 P. 213.
  13. MAMOUN ELMANAN, the principles of the public international law, the general theory, and the laws of charters and international organizations, Dar Alkottob Alkanonyia, Dar Shatat for Publishing and Programming, Egypt, 2010 P. 213
  14. MOHSEN A FIKRIN, The International Environmental Law, P. 414
  15. OMAR SAAD ALLAH, the intenational law for solving disputes, P. 105, and it should be noted that with the developments taking place in international society, the objectives of these organizations have evolved into other issues such as scientific, technological, humanitarian, and environmental issues.
  16. OMAR SAAD ALLAH, The International Law for Solving Disputes, P. 81.
  17. OMAR SAAD ALLAH, The International Law for Solving Disputes, P. 81.
  18. RIYAD SALEH ABU AL-ATA, Environmental Protection in Light of International Law, p. 66.
  19. RIYADH ABOELATTA, The Role of Public International Law in Protecting the Environment, P. 156
  20. RIYADH ABOELATTA, the role of the public international law in protecting the environment, P. 156
  21. SAMEH ABD AL-QAWI AL-SAYYID, International Environmental Disputes, p. 14.
  22. SAMEH ABD AL-QAWI AL-SAYYID, International Environmental Disputes, p. 14.
  23. ERBHI KOUIDER, International Environmental Jurisdiction, PhD thesis, Faculty of Law, University of Telmisan, 2016, p. 71.
  24. For more information about this agency, see Dr. Suhair A. A. Rahim Hajim Al-Hiti, The International Responsibility for Environmental Damage, Dar Raslan Foundation for Printing, Publishing, and Distribution, Damascus, Syria, 2016, p. 118-119. Dr. BASHIR JUMA ABD AL-JABBAR ALKUBAISI, international environmental disputes, p. 136.
  25. Global trade in the commercial field will not prevent it from standing one day in front of the inevitability of preserving the environment for the sake of continuing to achieve the commercial interests of its members. The second issue relates to acknowledging the success of the dispute settlement body of the World Trade Organization and its effectiveness, due to the obligation of this mechanism that is supervised by the member states of the organization, as well as the full
  26. data entry 10/7/2023
  27. data entry 10/7/2023
  28. data entry 10/7/2023
  29. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development: It is the successor organization to the Organization for European Economic Cooperation (O.E.C.E.), which includes all the major industrial powers in the world; see Dr. MOHSEN AFKERIN, The International Law of the Environment, p. 422.
  30. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development: It is the successor organization to the Organization for European Economic Cooperation (O.E.C.E.), which includes all the major industrial powers in the world; see Dr. MOHSEN AFKERIN, The International Law of the Environment, p. 422.
  31. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development: It is the successor organization to the Organization for European Economic Cooperation (O.E.C.E.), which includes all the major industrial powers in the world; see Dr. MOHSEN AFKERIN, The International Law of the Environment, p. 422.
  32. Regarding this accident, revise Dr. MOHAMED ADEL ASKR, the previous reference, margin P. 922-224, and also Dr. ABDELSALAM MANSOUR ELSHEWY, the previous reference, P. 196-206. Aussi: VINCENT, Droit de la Mer, Larcier, Bruxelles, 2008, p. 18 Philippe.
  33. Regarding this case, the failure of the affected country to file diplomatic claims against the Soviet Union was recorded to compensate for the damages resulting from the case, given the lack of
  34. See ANAS ZUHAIR MAAROUF: (The Seveso Disaster... The Disaster That Launched the European Seveso Directive), June 2016, available on the Arabic chemistry website: Date of entry: 02/5/2023.

  1. See the guide of the international organizations on the site: , the access date is 18/5/2023.
  2. The Maritime Consultative Organization for Governments (OMCI) it is an international organization, established in 1948, under the name of the advisory International Maritime Organization, headquartered in London, among its objectives: work to improve safety in seas, combating marine pollution, establishing a system to compensate people who suffer financial losses due to Marine Pollution See Wikipedia: access date is 18/5/2023.
  3. The settlement of disputes by the United Nations is through some of its authorities: - The Security Council - The General Assembly.
  4. The tenth principle of the Rio Declaration of 1992 enshrined some environmental rights, such as the right to obtain environmental information the right to address environmental issues and to make decisions in the environmental field at the national level, of course, as it also enshrined it the agreement of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe as this (UNECE) is concerned with and which is known as the "Aarhus Agreement", The Convention provides opportunities for access to information, public participation in decision-making regarding it, and resorting to the courts in the environmental issues. The agreement aims to expand public participation in matters related to the environment, and thus make it provided the opportunity to better and more effectively participate in preserving and protecting the environment. This agreement has been approved in 06/25/1998 in Aarhus, Denmark, and entered into force on October 30, 2001. Available for viewing on the website:,

 Access date is 03/5/2023.